Wednesday 25 March 2020

Six Overlooked Parts of Home for Cleaning – A Sneak Peek

Home cleaning is a necessity to maintain not only the ambiance of your home but also your family's health and hygiene. Regular dusting, vacuuming, and mopping may provide you with cleanliness, but that is only on the surface. What about the corners and other hidden parts of your home? Most of the people overlook this deeper level of cleaning and find that wiping down the counters and taking out the trash complete their home cleaning regime. But it's not enough to maintain a hygienic home.

These are six areas people often skip that can adversely affect the health of your home:

  1.       Trash Can
Trash cans are meant to hold all the garbage of your life, so naturally, it is one of the dirtiest places within your home. Therefore, it is the first thing that you need to disinfect on regularly to keep your kitchen and your entire home from building up germs that can affect your health.
  1.       Ouch, the Couch!
We spend a lot of our leisure time on the couch, which is how it accumulates all the dirt from our clothes, all the crumbs from our snacks, and all the loose change from our pockets. (Chances are, your pet joins you there, too.) It may be the most comfortable place in your home, but it's also one of the grimiest. To keep the couch free of germs and dirt, you'll need to vacuum it frequently — and don't skip the cushions!
  1.       Kitchen Sink
When you think about the dirty dishes, pots, utensils, and food scraps that come in contact with our sink, you'll understand why your kitchen sink is more susceptible to bacteria build-up than just about anywhere else. And since that's where you clean your plates, your food, and even your coffee cup, it's essential to clean your kitchen sink clean daily to avoid the build-up of harmful bacteria. Use a good quality, all-purpose cleanser to keep your kitchen sink spotless and germ-free.
  1.       Light Switches and Doorknobs
Light switches and doorknobs are the most-often-touched things in our homes. Oils and germs build up here quite easily, even if you wash your hands regularly. To avoid germs and oil accumulation on light switches and doorknobs, make sure to wipe them daily with a disinfecting solution or antibacterial wipe.
  1.       Shower and Shower Curtain
The places we clean ourselves need to be spotless; otherwise, we risk the growth of mildew, mold, and nasty odors. If your shower or shower curtain gets mold and mildew, it can affect the health of your family. That's why it's crucial to clean the shower by wiping down the walls, floor, tub, and shower curtain or glass door thoroughly with a cleaning solution. Don't forget to clean the grout with a brush.
  1.       Baseboards
Baseboards attract dirt and dust and are usually overlooked by busy homeowners. Regular vacuuming of the baseboards with a brush attachment is the best way to keep them free from dirt and germs. If you spot scuffs as you vacuum, come back to erase them with a damp sponge.

Do you want to keep your home completely clean, but feel overwhelmed by the size of the task? Then you need a cleaning service in Chicago with staff who know how to clean every nook and cranny of your home. Cleaning or maid services in Chicago are available monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, and even daily.

To make your search for reliable, professional cleaning services in Chicago, rely on an app to find all the licensed cleaning services within your area, and easily book them online through the app. It takes just a moment, and you can do it anywhere you have an internet connection.


ChoreRelief is an innovative house cleaning app that helps in finding the most professional cleaning services in Chicago. You can even find more household help, such as a handyman, with the help of this app. For more information about the ChoreRelief app and its many conveniences, visit.

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